绍兴列举网 > 教育培训 > 外语培训 > 英语常用短语分类柯桥成人学英语


更新时间:2024-06-29 15:06:51 浏览次数:15次
区域: 绍兴 > 柯桥

一. about 短语

worry about= be worried about 担心
talk about 谈论
dream about 梦想
care about 关心(care for 照顾,喜欢)
be about to do sth. 即将做某事
think about 考虑
hear about 听说
be sure about... 对……确信(be sure to do sth. 一定会)
complain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨……
be crazy about 对……着迷(=be keen on sth.)
be anxious about... 担忧……
be curious about... 对……好奇

二. at 短语

laugh at 嘲笑
look at 看
call/email sb. at 打电话/发邮件找某人
point at 指着某人
shout at 朝……吼
shoot at 朝……射击
smile at 朝……笑
at times 有时候
at once 立刻
at present 目前
at first 首先
at least 至少
at last 终
at birth 出生时
at the age of 在……岁时
at the beginning/end of 在……开始时/结束时
at the same time 同时
at night 在晚上
at a price of 以……价格
at the bottom/top of在……顶部/底部
stare at sb. 盯着看
make sb. feel at home 让某人宾至如归
at once 立即,马上(right away)
be amazed at对……感到吃惊
be poor at在……方面差
aim at瞄准
at a speed of 以……速度
at present 目前
at table在吃饭
at work在工作
at the time of 在……时候
at the picnic在野餐时
knock at/on the door 敲门
look after 照顾
take after 像某人
run after 追赶
shortly after 在……之后不久
one after another 一个接一个
after you! 你先请!
after all 毕竟
give away sth. to sb. 赠送,分发
put away 收拾好
pass away 去世
keep/ stay away from 远离
run away 逃跑

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